Laronde, Cronin, O'Keefe, Veronneau, Buchanan, Whelpley, Stetson, Tremblay etc. Families Genealogy Page


Please contact me at the email address below if you have any of the following relating to these families.

1. Family photographs taken before 1950. Especially ones depicting ancestors or homes.

2. Records dating before 1950 involving birth, death, marriage, immigration, citizenship etc.

3. Old letters or Bible entries.

4. An explanation of why the family name Veronneau was changed to Laronde.

Name change notes - The following persons changed their names before 1910
Adolphe Veronneau - Adolph Laronde
Marie Cartier - Mary Carter - Mary Laronde
Olivier Veronneau - Oliver Laronde
Marie Louise Tremblay - Mary Louise Laronde
Romeo Veronneau - Romeo Laronde

Ellen Agnes O'Keefe Cronin   The Story of Her Life   By Mary Fusoni  NEW

Pedigree Files

Oliver Laronde aka Olivier Veronneau - Pedigree

Marie Tremblay - Pedigree



Laronde Tree  Includes Tremblay, Cronin, Veronneau, O'Keefe and others.

Family Tree  Buchanan, Whelpley Tree

Ancestors of Barbara Jean Buchanan   Printable list of ancestors by generation

Ancestors of Richard John Laronde    Printable list of ancestors by generation

The Hallowell - Laronde connection

click link to rootsweb tree for Oliver (Veronneau) Laronde

Genealogy Information for

William Buchanan 1930

John Call 1900

Jeremiah Cronin 1900

Patrick Cronin ? 1900
Patrick Cronin 1920
Patrick Cronin 1930

Joseph Fusoni 1930

Joseph T Fusoni 1930

Adolph Laronde aka Adolphe Veronneau 1881
Adolph Laronde aka Adolphe Veronneau 1910

Albert Laronde 1930

Oliver Laronde aka Olivier Veronneau 1920     
Oliver Laronde aka Olivier Veronneau1930

Romeo Laronde aka Romeo Veronneau 1930

George Proulx 1930

Michael Sampson 1930  see Alfred Tremblay 1920

John Slattery 1900
John Slattery 1910

Henry Dowden Stetson 1900    
Henry Dowden Stetson 1920     
Henry Dowden Stetson 1930

Henry Martin Stetson 1870  Hard to read, copy below

Stetson, Henry M  38   Farmer  real estate value 1800 personal property 625

             Abigail      78  No Occupation personal property 600 (Mother)

             Zilpha       61  Keeping House  personal property 200  (Zilpah, sister)

Henry Martin Stetson 1900

Alfred Tremblay 1881   in the home of his father Francois
Alfred Trembley 1900a  Page 1  Parents
Alfred Tremblay 1900b  Page 2  Children
Alfred Tremblay 1910
Afred Trembley 1920   Notice Michael Sampson as son-in-law, widower, with 1 year old.
Alfred Tremblay Obit
Lucy (Lavoie) Tremblay Obit

Joseph D Tremblay 1930

Joseph E Tremblay 12/1/96 Obit

Henry Wenz 1900
Henry Wenz 1910

Charles W. Whelpley 1900  Occupation Iron Molder
Charles W. Whelpley 1910
Charles W. Whelpley 1920


Geneology Links

Samuel Small to John Lawrence Whelpley see 1, 4, 14, 34, 34 iv

Sir Walter Raleigh to Charles William Whelpley see 3, 6, 11, 23, 42, 73. 113, 155, 211, 251, 251 iii. Also click this for excerpts .